The Foundation for Religious Retirement, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation created to raise funds to support the retirement needs of Sisters whose communities are headquartered in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Things are Different Today
Years ago the salaries and stipends earned by young women who entered religious life ensured the care of elderly Sisters. But since the 1960’s, the number of women entering religious communities has dropped significantly therefore reducing earned income. What’s more, demographic trends show the number of retired Sisters will significantly outnumber the working Sisters who contribute income. Another factor for dwindling retirement resources is increased healthcare expenses and a growing number of elderly Religious who now live in assisted living or nursing facilities.
In the early 1980s it became clear that women Religious Orders were facing a crisis in funding the support of their retired Sisters. With fewer and fewer wage earners joining Religious Life and costs of care for retired Sisters growing, it became obvious that financial help would need to come from other sources. The Foundation for Religious Retirement, Inc. was created in 1987 to help religious communities of women in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee support the needs of their retired Sisters. A year later, the National Religious Retirement Office opened with a similar purpose but on a national level.
Raising Funds
The Foundation raises funds through newsletter subscriptions, special one-time financial gifts, memorials, and bequests throughout the year. The Foundation annually distributes these donations to Religious Orders of women in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee based on a formula that factors the financial situation of each Religious Order. Over 90% of the donated monies directly fund the retirement needs of the Sisters.

With the grace of God, I have faithfully given my life and service to God. Times might have been hard, but God’s grace and love always prevailed.
Sister Demetria Z.
The Sisters We Serve
The Foundation for Religious Retirement helps support the many retired Sisters who graciously devoted their lives to care for those who matter most to Jesus: children and the elderly, the poor and oppressed, the underserved and ill-equipped. The Women Religious in the Milwaukee Archdiocese who may receive grants from the Foundation include:
Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus (Northern Province)
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes
Racine Dominicans
School Sisters of Notre Dame
School Sisters of St. Francis
Sisters of the Divine Savior
Sisters of St. Francis Assisi